A WoManifesto for MAKING TIME:

As many hours as it takes in the hours that I have left

Maria Epes

Premise: TIME = where I am i.e. I AM HERE

1. According to the Heisenberg Principle one cannot know the exact location of an object and its speed at the same time. So to figure out where I am, I must slow down.

2. For me the most revolutionary act is to TAKE IT SLOW.  Everyone will be whizzing by me but this avoids having to understand why I am rushing to yoga, and other more serious incongruities.

Practice: TIME = time & time again

1. Simplify = the hard work of making choices.

I appreciate the value of modern technology but also accept that I can only incorporate some of it in the hours that I have left. I am able to process only so much information and input and realize that I will have to deal with the fear of missing out. (So for me I need to delete: TV, iPhone, facebook, instagram, pinterest, texting, tweeting, etc., or whatever the next form of en masse communication).

2. Editorialize = the hard work of establishing priorities and acting accordingly.

I do understand the value of these technologies, and with some, the necessity. However I find I can communicate what I need to through email, phone, snailmail and in person. I do Internet research on my laptop or iPad and appreciate the access to information and interactive websites. My choices will inevitably have to change but I will edit my choices as long as there is a choice.

Process: TIME = infinity & I am a split second in it

1. Designing My Time = a creative project that will constantly need adjusting. It is never done.

Everyday it takes remarkable imagination for me to negotiate the time that I have and to construct a life that I want. Accepting this takes great compassion for myself (and so others), but it is necessary in order to get up and to keep trying tomorrow.

2. Create the Construct = composing a death is part of composing a life.

Some day my tomorrows will stop coming. Being in time gives the memory of the past, the imagining of a future, and the constant relationship with the clock. Until my clock stops, I strive to fully create my time with the hours that I have left, hour after hour.